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Contratos de comunicação back-front
Os contratos são os formatos de mensagem em que ambos os lados concordam em receber, tanto para envio quanto para resposta. Envios para o back podem ser de três tipos, não se limitando a usar somente um:
- Parâmetro de URL (Params): valores passados na URL em formato de path, exemplo:
No exemplo acima, o 1 é um parâmetro de URL
- Parâmetro de Consulta (Query String): valores passados na URL após uma interrogação e separados por &, exemplo:
No exemplo acima os valores offset e limit são query strings
- Dados do Corpo (Payload): dados enviados no corpo (body) da requisição
POST /login/
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
email: "str",
password: "str",
isTeacher: 1
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
user: {
id: 1
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "joao.severo",
msg: "Invalid value for \"email\""
- 401:
status: 401,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "email/password",
msg: "Invalid email or password"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### POST /logoff/
#### Params:
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
<a name="students"></a>
### GET /students/
#### Params:
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
- institution: str = faculdade do aluno
- semester: int = semestre em que o aluno se encontra
- offset: str = início da lista de professores
- limit: str = tamanho da lista retornada
#### Payload:
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
students: [
id: 11,
name: "str",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "str",
semester: 5,
description: "str",
lattesURL: "str",
course: "str",
gender: "str",
institution: "str"
- 400
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "",
msg: "Invalid value for \"semester\""
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### GET /students/{id}/
#### Params:
- id: int = id do estudante
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
student: {
id: 11,
name: "str",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "str",
semester: 5,
description: "str",
lattesURL: "str",
course: "str",
gender: "str",
institution: "str"
- 400
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "",
msg: "Invalid value for \"id\""
- 404
status: 404,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: 10,
msg: "Student not found with id=10"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### POST /students/
#### Params:
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
{ name: "str", birthday: "1999-06-11", email: "str", semester: 5, course: "str", gender: "str", institution: "str", password: "str" }
#### Responses:
- 201:
status: 201,
msg: "Success",
student: {
id: 1,
name: "str",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "str",
semester: 5,
lattesURL: "str",
course: "str",
gender: "str",
institution: "str"
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "joao.severo",
msg: "Invalid value for \"email\""
- 404
status: 404,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: 10,
msg: "Student not found with id=10"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### PATCH /students/{id}/
#### Params:
- id: int = id do aluno a alterar parcialmente informações
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
{ name: "str", birthday: "2022-04-02", email: "[email protected]", semester: 5, course: "Engenharia de Software", gender: "Masculino", institution: "PUCRS", description: "str", password: "str" }
#### Responses:
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "joao.severo",
msg: "Invalid value for \"email\""
- 404
status: 404,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: 10,
msg: "Student not found with id=10"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
<a name="teachers"></a>
### GET /teachers/
#### Params:
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
teachers: [
id: 10,
name: "name",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "[email protected]",
lattesURL: "http://lattes.cnpq.br/123",
hIndex: 10,
gender: "str",
degrees: [
course: "Engenharia De Software",
institution: "PUCRS",
degreeType: "Pós"
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "",
msg: "Invalid value for \"id\""
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### GET /teachers/{id}/
#### Params:
- id: int = id do professor que se deseja abrir o perfil
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
teacher: {
id: 10,
name: "name",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "[email protected]",
lattesURL: "http://lattes.cnpq.br/123",
hIndex: 10,
gender: "str",
degrees: [
course: "Engenharia De Software",
institution: "PUCRS",
degreeType: "Pós"
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "",
msg: "Invalid value for \"id\""
- 404
status: 404,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: 10,
msg: "Student not found with id=10"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
### POST /teachers/
#### Params:
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload:
{ email: "[email protected]", password: "password", name: "name", lattesId: 123, birthday: "2022-04-02", genderId: 1, hIndex: 10, degrees: [ { institution: "PUCRS", course: "Engenharia De Software", degreeTypeId: 1 } ] }
#### Responses:
- 201:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
teacher: {
id: 10,
name: "name",
birthday: "2022-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
email: "[email protected]",
lattesURL: "http://lattes.cnpq.br/123",
hIndex: 10,
gender: "Masculino",
degrees: [
course: "Engenharia De Software",
institution: "PUCRS",
degreeType: "Pós"
- 400:
status: 400,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "joao.severo",
msg: "Invalid value for \"email\""
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
<a name="degrees"></a>
### GET /degrees/
#### Params
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string:
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
degrees: [
id: 1,
name: "Bacharel"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
<a name="genders"></a>
### GET /genders/
#### Params
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
#### Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
#### Payload
Nenhum payload esperado
#### Responses:
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
genders: [
id: 1,
name: "Masculino"
- 500
status: 500,
msg: "Internal error occurred",
errors: [
value: Any,
msg: "str"
<a name="projects"></a>
### GET /projects/
### Params
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
### Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
### Payload
Nenhum payload esperado
### Responses
- 200:
status: 200,
msg: "Success",
projects: [
id: 1,
name: "Projeto Javascript",
description: "Descrição do projeto Projeto Javascript",
open: true,
teacherUserId: 1
- 422:
status: 422,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "string",
msg: "Invalid value"
- 500:
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
POST /projects/
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
{ name: "titulo", teacherId: 1, description: "descricao", opportunities: [ { name: "nome vaga", description: "desc vaga" }, { name: "nome 2", description: "desc 2" } ] }
### Responses
- 201:
status: 201,
msg: "Success",
project: {
id: 1,
name: "Projeto Javascript",
description: "Descrição do projeto Projeto Javascript",
open: true,
teacherUserId: 1,
opportunities: [
id: 1,
name: "nome vaga",
description: "desc vaga",
open: true
id: 2,
name: "nome 2",
description: "desc 2",
open: true
- 422:
status: 422,
msg: "Bad request",
errors: [
value: "string",
msg: "Invalid value"
- 500:
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /projects/{id}/
ID do projeto
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", project: { id: 1, name: "Projeto Javascript", description: "Descrição do projeto Projeto Javascript", open: true, teacherUserId: 1 } }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /projects/{id}/candidates/
ID do projeto
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", candidates: [ { id: 2, name: "student", description: "Test student", birthday: "2001-03-27T00:00:00.000Z", semester: 6, email: "[email protected]", lattesURL: "http://lattes.cnpq.br/54321", course: "Engenharia de Software", gender: "Masculino", institution: "PUCRS", appliedOpportunities: [ { matchId: 3, id: 1, type: "junior", description: "Oportunidade de nivel junior no projeto 1", semesterStart: 1, semesterEnd: 2, open: true, projectId: 1 } ] } ] }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /projects/{projectId}/accept/{matchId}
ID do projeto e do match que está pendente
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", match: { id: 3, from: "STUDENT", status: "DONE", createdAt: "2022-05-19T01:23:00.410Z", updatedAt: "2022-05-19T01:28:28.794Z", userId: 2, opportunityId: 1 } }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /projects/{projectId}/opportunities/
ID do projeto que possui a oportunidade
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", opportunities: [ { id: 1, type: "junior", description: "Oportunidade de nivel junior no projeto 1", semesterStart: 1, semesterEnd: 2, open: true, projectId: 1 } ... ] }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /projects/{projectId}/opportunities/{opportunityId}
ID do projeto que possui a oportunidade e o ID da oportunidade
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", opportunity: { id: 1, type: "junior", description: "Oportunidade de nivel junior no projeto 1", semesterStart: 1, semesterEnd: 2, open: true, projectId: 1 } }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
POST /projects/{projectId}/opportunities/{opportunityId}/apply
ID do projeto que possui a oportunidade e o ID da oportunidade
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 201, msg: "Success", match: { status: "PENDING", id: 1, from: "STUDENT", userId: 1, opportunityId: 1, updatedAt: "2022-05-19T01:20:33.821Z", createdAt: "2022-05-19T01:20:33.821Z" } }
{ status: 422, msg: "Bad request", errors: [ { value: "string", msg: "Invalid value" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /courses/
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", courses: [ { id: 1, name: "Engenharia de Software" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /experiences/
Nenhum parâmetro esperado
Query string
- userId: id do usuário que se deseja recuperar as experiências
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", experiences: [ { id: 1, title: "Matador de ratos", description: "Trabalhei dentro do laboratório da PUCRS como matador de ratos" } ] }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }
GET /experiences/{id}
- id: Id da experiencia que se deseja buscar
Query string
Nenhuma query string esperada
Nenhum payload esperado
{ status: 200, msg: "Success", experience: { id: 1, title: "Matador de ratos", description: "Trabalhei dentro do laboratório da PUCRS como matador de ratos" } }
{ status: 500, msg: "Internal error occurred", errors: [ { value: Any, msg: "str" } ] }