Sprint 2 | Student | Reading Flow | Reader Progress
- The book's progress is dependent on the current page number the user stopped divided by the total pages in the book.
- The chapter's progress is dependent on the page that the user stopped - percentage is calculated by current page the user stopped divided by the total chapter pages (end page - start page).
Scenario: VIR must track book reading progress
Given I am a reader
And I am logged into my account
When I finish reading a chapter of a book
Then my reading progress should be saved with the related book and chapter number
And display progress in the book's percentage bar to me in the book's bookshelf element
Scenario: VIR must track chapter reading progress
Given I am a reader
And I am logged into my account
When I finish reading a page of a book
Then my reading progress should be saved with the related book and page_number
And display progress in the chapter's percentage bar to me within the reading flow