Sprint 1 | Student | Reading Flow | Vertical book flow
Scenario: The page must smoothly go to the next available page when swiping vertically
Given a VIR Student user is currently reading a book
When they scroll the page
Then it should go up or down to the next available page
Scenario: It should not go up or down if its the last or fist page
Given a VIR Student user it currently reading a book
When they are at the first or last page
Then the page should not change if the user scrolls up or down, respectively
Scenario: The page must adapt established pages to match the device's screen responsively
Given a VIR Student is using a device with a smaller or larger screen
And a page must be broken down or be displayed whole to match the screen's size
When the user progresses through the remainder of the book
Then all displayed pages must adapt accordingly, without affecting the progress bars