Sprint 1 | Student | Reading Flow | Create Reading Flow feature
Scenario: The page must go to the next available page when swiping
Given a VIR Student user is currently reading a book
When they scroll the page
Then it should go to the next available page
Scenario: It should display the animation every x amount of page scrolls
Given a VIR Student user is currently reading a book
When they have read a set amount of reading pages
Then the next one should be an animation of said book context
And the amount of pages to go into the animation should be easily changed
Scenario: It should not go up or down if its the last or fist page
Given the VIR Student user it currently reading a book
When they are at the first or last page
Then the page should not change
Scenario: The reading flow should display numbered pages
Given the VIR Student is currently reading a book
When they are on any text page
Then the page should be numbered according to the book's total pages